Becoming Psychic - How to Improve Your Natural Psychic Abilities

Are you becoming psychic? Have you had any weird, wild or wacky experiences you CAN'T explain away? Have you found yourself wondering if you've had an amazing but unexplainable adventure that defies conventional wisdom, or your religious beliefs, or that was so hard to understand that you can't even share it with friends or family?

Or maybe you simply really want to LEARN to become more psychic? Do you wonder whether psychic abilities can be learned, or do you need to be born with intuitive psychic gifts to display them later in life?

Are these sorts of powers hardwired into our DNA, or are they only possible with practice?

One of the most controversial areas of science and new age belief alike is the idea that psychic abilities exist at all. Most skeptics want to belief the idea that ANYONE can see the future, speak to spirits, read an aura or do anything that sounds like it that violates the law of nature is silly.

I believe they're REALLY wrong! As a matter of fact, the more you look at it, the more overwhelming the evidence is that not only are psychic abilities real, but that ordinary people can do extraordinary things with practice.....and that many people ARE in fact born with extraordinary gifts that science (and the skeptics) CAN'T explain.

For example?

1. Remote Viewing... or the ability to see things happening at a great distance away (using only visualization) has been PROVEN to be possible in more case studies than be counted.

2. Psychic mediums have in fact brought forth incredible amounts of information from people NO LONGER living... that is very difficult to explain away as guessing, chance, luck or fraud. (which is what the skeptics want you to believe is happening, even with psychics who have a proven track record of accuracy)

3. Out of body experiences, where ordinary people "travel" psychically to places that are far away from where they're physical bodies are is a well documented phenomena... and in many cases where people are near death, information that is received during these out of body travels proves to be verified, accurate and 100% true.

4. Even cases of deja vu, past life recall, hearing and seeing apparitions and other related phenomena may be related to the development of psychic powers, abilities and natural skills.

My best recommendation?

If you are serious about developing your own psychic abilities, start with a dedicated meditative practice. There is NO better way to open your mind and consciousness to the vast informational field that "lives" outside of our ordinary awareness than by quitting the mind, and allowing the your mind to expand into the amazing opening that silence can create.

Meditation has had PROFOUND benefits in my own life, and most specifically... in the areas of the development of paranormal powers as well. For example, I've had multiple out of body experiences, have seen "ghosts" and spirits, and have even learned to remember very specific past lives as well, both in waking and dreaming states alike. (very cool... a lot of fun, and something I never believed was possible, until I started to meditate everyday!)

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